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WATCH: Ronaldo Jr. outshines superstar dad
WATCH: Ronaldo Jr. outshines superstar dad
Forget about Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo might have a talented new rival for world football fame: his own son. The Real Madrid great's eldest child Cristiano Ronaldo Jr., nicknamed Cristianinho, looks to have inherited the family knack for scoring stunners judging by his brilliant top-corner effort in a post-match kickabout on Thursday. He received some of the biggest cheers of the night from the Estadio da Luz crowd, who earlier saw World Cup-bound Portugal ease to a 3-0 friendly win over Algeria. Five-time Ballon d'Or winner Ronaldo senior went scoreless in his 150th international appearance, so the emergence of a new challenger – family or otherwise – might come as handy motivation on the eve of the World Cup. O apito final não quer dizer que acabe o espectáculo. Cristiano Ronaldo e Cristianinho: tal pai, tal filho.#ConquistaOSonho The final whistle doesn't mean the show is over. Cristiano and his son, it's clear the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! #ConquerYourDream — Portugal (@selecaoportugal) June 7, 2018

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